Save the Date Wed Feb 23rd and rsvp

Our Annual Burn Training will be virtual this year. Wednesday, Feb 23rd, 6pm. Please attend if you’d like to help be the support crew for the controlled burn of the native gardens at the Riverbank at Berteau and/or Waters Garden.

Many in our community have decades of experience and/or certification or professional experience in controlled burns. This training is aimed specifically at preparing our community to burn our sites, but may be of interest to anyone who manages native gardens or who wants to learn more.  We invite you to join us. We’ll share some instructions along with video clips to show what to expect and how to participate safely in this exciting part of native garden management.

This meeting is hosted by Pete Leki, (Ecology teacher at Waters), Sarah Anderson (Env Ed Program director at the Nature Museum), and Jules Peterson-Green (Riverbank Neighbors and the Green Council of the 47th Ward). We hope that many other neighbors with experience will also join to share their expertise. If you have been burning with us for years, we’ll give you the opportunity to share some advice or stories. Newcomers will enjoy hearing from you and we hope you’ll join us.

Riverbank Neighbors and Waters Garden communities have been stewarding and burning their community native gardens for over 20 years.

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