dear neighbors, Hope everyone is enjoying the spring weather!
sorry to share this but… here’s the street sweeping schedule for our neighborhood… Those of you who have garages, if you could park in them at these times, if possible, it would help. I remember when I was caretaking for my mom or when my daughter was little, moving the car was a real source of stress and often there were no spots within many blocks the night before. Thanks all for doing what you can to think of each others needs, we have many elderly or disabled neighbors who need our help with this.
But the biggest thanks goes to those who get by without cars. Thank you for walking, biking, taking the train or bus, thank you for choosing to sacrafice what you did, and of course benefit from the financial boost of letting go of car insurange, gas, payments. Thank you for taking care of your health by walking and biking. Thank you for making our streets safer for kids who walk to school and for all of us to walk or bike or even drive. Thank you for caring to save the planet. May we all drive less or not at all every chance we get. I’m guilty as the rest of you, but I aim to do better. but meanwhile.. I made us a google calendar to avoid street sweeping ticket. It has alarms to help us move our cars ahead of time. your welcome! -j
May 3/4 July 30/July 3 August 28/29 October 25/26
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